Our Policies

Absences & Make-Ups

We are only able to guarantee make-up classes for absences due to sickness, but we will accommodate make-ups for other reasons as we are able. You can schedule absences and select your make-up date in the Family Portal. Please note it takes ~24 hours to confirm your make-up eligibility. Make-ups can only be scheduled up to a week in advance.


We require two weeks’ notice to discontinue enrollment. We are unable to issue refunds for lessons that you have already been billed for, but we are happy to add credit to your account for any prepaid lessons past the 2-week mark.


We have a double-diaper policy to keep all of our swimmers safe. All swimmers under 3-years-old and anyone else who isn't potty-trained must wear a reusable swim diaper on the skin and a Happy Nappy on top. For your convenience, both of these diapers are available for sale at cost at the swim school.


In order to keep our community healthy, please stay home if you are under the weather. We offer make-ups for sickness, which you can schedule through the Family Portal.

Safety Policies and Procedures

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our students above all else. To ensure a secure and enjoyable learning environment, we have implemented rigorous internal safety procedures. Here is an overview of our key safety measures:

  1. Certified and Experienced Instructors

    We employ certified and experienced swim instructors who have undergone or are undergoing comprehensive training in water safety, CPR, and first aid. Our instructors have had and continue to receive thorough training on all swimming skills and maintenance of a safe environment for our students. We train all our staff on the proper ways to instruct infants and children of all ages.

  2. Small Class Sizes

    We maintain small class sizes to provide individual attention to each student. This allows our instructors to closely monitor students' progress, provide personalized guidance, and ensure their safety in and around the water.

  3. Lifeguard / Deck Manager

    Our swim lessons are closely supervised by certified lifeguards/deck managers who are trained to respond swiftly in case of emergencies. They maintain a constant watch over the pool area, ensuring the safety of all students.

  4. Age and Skill-Appropriate Classes

    We offer classes tailored to different age groups and skill levels. This ensures that students are placed in appropriate learning environments, where they can progress at their own pace and feel comfortable in the water.

  5. Emergency Action Plan

    We have a well-defined emergency action plan in place, which is displayed at our facility, outlining the steps to be taken in case of accidents or other emergencies. Our staff members are trained in emergency protocols and are prepared to handle different situations promptly and efficiently.

  6. Pool Rules and Safety Guidelines

    Clear and concise pool rules and safety guidelines are prominently displayed throughout the facility. These rules cover topics such as proper behavior in and around the pool, diving restrictions, and the importance of following instructions from instructors and lifeguards.

  7. Safety Equipment

    We maintain a stock of essential safety equipment, including floatation devices, rescue tubes, and first aid kits. Our instructors and lifeguards are trained in the proper use of this equipment to ensure the safety of our students.

  8. Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

    We continually monitor and evaluate our safety procedures to identify areas of improvement. We value feedback from students, parents, and staff, and all feedback is considered in our efforts to enhance the overall safety of our learn-to-swim program.